
What People Are Saying…

Click on the names listed below to read their individual testimonials.

  • Wow, it’s hard to put into words a session with Gemma as they are just so otherworldly. For someone who is so profoundly connected to her supernatural gifts, Gemma is such a humble, down-to-earth human being, which is such a relief in our guru obsessed culture. Gemma is the real deal. In our first session, she perceived my deceased father in the space who had so many messages for me. As she spoke about the elements and the wind, the wind started howling and so much information came through that was not only magical but very healing. Gemma has the ability to tune in to other people’s bodies and remove any energetic imprints or “attachments“ that shouldn’t be there and not only did I feel the lightness after our sessions, but I also witnessed other people who were very ill being healed around me.

  • I had the lovely opportunity to receive a super sensory session with Gemma as part of the Rekinect retreat. Prior to the session, I really didn’t know what to expect. I had never had a super sensory session before, but I was open.

    After our session I was blown away. Gemma was able to tap into aspects of myself that I had repressed and avoided for quite some time. Not only was she able to identify the heaviness I was experiencing, but she also offered suggestions to help me release it that were in alignment with me. Gemma reminded me of the enjoyment I feel when dancing, and encouraged me to use dance as a form of release and deeper connection to self and source. Since our first session I incorporated some of the takeaways into my self-care routine and have noticed improvement and growth. Mama Gem provided her gifts as a form of medicine to me while on the retreat, and I have had an additional session since then for clarity and guidance.

    I am grateful to know Gemma, and to have experienced her medicine. She is quite literally a gem, and I highly recommend her services to anyone.

  • I’m glad I went in with no expectations because the session definitely exceeded them!

    I gained clarity, insight and confidence in my capabilities.

    I would highly recommend a session and I have had multiple sessions since my first and plan on having more!

  • This was my first body scan session from Gemma and it was amazing! Her feedback and messages were spot on and resonated on many levels! She made me feel safe (environment) and she offered reassurance and affirming, loving guidance throughout the scan but especially in her lengthy review/ taped voice recap!  I can tell that personally she really was in tune with me, my body and spirit! I had significant healing and I even launched my new business shortly after our session because I was guided to do so! She directed me that I am “going to fly” so that is why I ran with it! I’m so glad she incorporated tips for self healing and I truly felt empowered! I took all of her input and healing to heart and really sat with it for a long time... I also felt a release (tears) and other emotional stuff, along with a positive shift! Being kinder to me and own my awesomeness!!  I would definitely recommend any services Gemma provides as she is gifted with excellent capabilities from source!  ✝️

  • I didn’t really have any expectations before my session. I was just hoping to connect and gain insight which I definitely did. Gemma made me feel very safe and comfortable to let my guard down and open up and she communicated everything clearly.

    The sessions surpassed my expectations. Everything we spoke about was spot on and everything my spirit and body needed in that time. Every session I’ve had with her I never leave disappointed.

    The main thing I gain from my sessions with Gemma is healing and connection to my body and authentic self. Every session, Gemma co-creates a divine experience, and I always feel lighter and clearer about my vision and purpose in life. I highly recommend a session with Gemma and plan to have many more with her. She is truly talented and gifted.

  • My experience of a body reading with Gemma completely exceeded my expectations. It was fascinating listening to the recording she sent me of the messages my body had given her. I think I was subconsciously aware of some of the things my body wanted, I just hadn’t been putting them into practice. The reading gave me the kick up the bum I needed, and I have begun incorporating them into my life. If you’re considering having a reading, I would highly recommend it. Gemma is super talented.

  • Gemma’s coaching was the catalyst that I needed to up-drive my goals and dreams into a physical and tangible reality! Her easy-going yet assertively keen techniques of guiding my vision to create a blueprint and plan has been one of my greatest gifts this year. Thank you Gemma for all that you have done and are doing!

  • Before coaching, I really thought it was going to be a lot like therapy, but it was not. Therapy usually leaves me very drained and emotional and down because I’m talking about heavy topics, but with Gemma and her coaching, I talked about the same topics and never felt down or sad, and felt more motivated with the way se laid it all out.

    I felt like I can still achieve these things, or I can get to feel better about these specific topics. Week by week I was able to get things out of my mind and written down so it didn’t seem so overwhelming.

    I don’t know how you do it Gemma, but you are so gentle that none of this felt hard; it was a lot more fun and interactive between sessions. I loved how you listened and reflected my words back to me, and had the silent time at the beginning.

    I would recommend coaching and the super sensory sessions. Keep doing what you’re doing girl, because it’s wonderful and you’re so easy to talk to, and it’s just great. Thank you, thank you.

  • I wasn't sure what to expect from my session, but honestly it was really insightful. Gemma was able to give so much detail and put into words things I'd been feeling but couldn't quite explain. Right away she was so in tune with me and has given me some useful things to work on. If you think your body is trying to tell you something, a session with Gemma is like giving it a voice,  highly recommended!

  • Though life has changed and shifted so much in recent times there has been a constant presence outside of myself that has grounded my experience and observations. Intuitively we have connected for over three years and now in one year as a life coach, with super sensory sessions, Gemma has brought me even deeper into myself and guided me as I let go and live true to a more vibrant and intentional experience of life. Without reservation, I humbly recommend Gemma to those looking to connect, release, and inspire themselves and love in their life.

  • I had no idea what to expect from the session; however, I found Gemma to be quite calming and initiative so I was excited to see what she had to say. The session lived up to my expectations. In fact, it exceeded my expectations.

    I gained insight into lingering issues that had been niggling at me for some time. I was able to take a more considered approach to my health and listen to my body more closely. I firmly believe there is utility in having regular sessions with Gemma. It is so important to check in with your body.

  • Starting the journey to do the work to become self-aware and healing is challenging. It’s like peeling an onion, there are layers and you’re going to find yourself crying. I’ve learned that you need people throughout the journey to help guide and hold space. I’m grateful to know and have been working with Gemma for many months now. Her super sensory sessions help bridge the gap between the body and the mind. There were things that deep down I knew and felt within myself and Gemma helped give them a voice. There were also things that I had not acknowledged yet which my body brought to light through Gemma and her gift.

    As an intuitive life coach, Gemma is amazing. I can tell she practices what she preaches. Gemma is patient, kind, receptive, and knowledgeable. She is a calming presence in my personal storm. She helps guide me to clarity and see things from a different perspective. Diving deep into myself, questioning patterns, facing the root of my pain, and my inner child has been scary and at times overwhelming but Gemma has been a great teacher to remind me to be compassionate with myself.

    If you’re interested in starting or have been doing the work and want to get a little bit deeper and need a helping hand I recommend Gemma’s. The journey is not easy but having people like her along the way helps. Thank you, Gemma!

  • I had an energy reading/session with Gemma a year or so ago after being recommended by a friend, and this incredible experience along with the wisdom I was given in that session has stayed with me ever since.

    Gemma’s profound insight and ability to connect with my body and soul (remotely from several thousands of miles away !!) was absolutely mind-blowing. Without knowing anything about me prior to our session, Gemma was able to sense very specific areas of my body that were healing from a recent surgery, deeply personal and private wounds from past relationships as well as my unique gifts and dreams - all of which she navigated gently and with real compassion. I’ve struggled to put into words how transformative and meaningful I found this process, and I’m still in awe of how I felt so ‘seen’ by Gemma without even being visible, and ‘heard’ without actually having to speak myself. It was exactly the guidance I needed at that time, and it was such a beautiful blessing that I am still learning from now.

    Not only is Gemma incredibly intuitive, perceptive, and undeniably gifted, I found her own energy to be deeply calming, reassuring, and joyful. The way she was able to share her insights with me through a voice note felt like hearing wisdom from a loving friend rather than a stranger, in words I could understand along with practical advice and suggestions.

    I would encourage anybody and everybody who feels drawn towards Gemma’s work to leap at the chance to access her special gifts and to benefit from what she has to offer the world because it’s nothing short of magic.

    Thank you !!

    Nyree x